Skincare Articles

What Are The Recommendations On Sunscreen?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came out earlier this year voicing concerns about the safety profile of common ingredients found in sunscreen. A study conducted by the FDA demonstrated that several chemical sunscreen ingredients are actually systemically absorbed by the body, meaning they get into our bloodstream and can be detected in blood work. Safe levels of these ingredients have not been established yet.

Should I Use A Toner?
Toners: Why You Should Rethink Abandoning Your Toner? To tone or not to tone, that is the question. Many people have been preached to that they need a toner. Others often avoid them because toners can be astringent and dry skin out. Fortunately, not every toner is made equal, and there is not a one-toner-fits-all product out there. Many people want a straight forward answer to the question “should I use a toner?” The answer, just depends. It depends on what type of ingredients the toner contains, the type of skin you have, and what other products you are using in your daily skin care routine.

What Should I Expect From A Chemical Peel?
Chemical Peels: What to Expect Before, During, and After, What does acne, aging skin, pigmentation, and enlarged pores all have in common? They can all be treated with chemical peels! So maybe you’ve heard about chemical peels, but are unsure they’re right for you. Or maybe they outright terrify you. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from experiencing the world of chemical peels!

Dermaplaning: Why You Should Be Shaving Your Face?
Dermaplaning: why you should be shaving your face? The Internet is a buzz with the latest craze: women shaving their face. Before you think to yourself “I would never do that!” let me introduce you to the world of aesthetics where shaving your face is the norm. Disregard all your preconceived notions of slathering shaving gel over your face and using the same razor that you use to shave your legs. Shaving your face, also referred to as dermaplaning, is a great way to rejuvenate your skin and remove that peach fuzz!

What Do I Love Best About Retinol?
What do I love best about retinol? I’ve used a topical retinol, since a dermatologist recommended it, for my 30’s acne. Never having acne as a teenager and quite repulsed dealing with it and three small children, I decided over the counter medicine was not going to be enough and I was motivated. The doctor actually told me, “You’ll thank me later, because it’s also an anti-wrinkle medicine.”

Why Should I Wear Sunscreen Daily?
Why Sunscreen Should Be Part of Your Daily Skin Care Routine? Most of us have heard the fact that sun exposure puts us at an increased risk of developing skin cancer. But did you know that ultraviolet radiation rays also cause premature signs of aging? These bad boy UV rays are not only responsible for those uncomfortable sunburns, but they also are to blame for DNA damage that leads to wrinkling and pigmentation changes in our skin.