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Patient Resources


Causes of Feet Turning Black Causes of Feet Turning Black
February 13, 2025

Causes of Feet Turning Black

Learn about the causes of feet turning black, and how medical intervention, vein treatment, and lifestyle changes help. Find expert vascular care in Tennessee.

Types of Bleeding Disorders Types of Bleeding Disorders
February 6, 2025

Types of Bleeding Disorders

Learn about different types of bleeding, including symptoms and how they can affect your health. Expert care from Tennessee's leading vascular specialists.

Can Bad Shoes Cause Varicose Veins? Here’s What to KnowCan Bad Shoes Cause Varicose Veins? Here’s What to Know
Blood Pooling: Symptoms, Causes and TreatmentBlood Pooling: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
What Does Elevating Your Legs Do? Here’s What to KnowWhat Does Elevating Your Legs Do? Here’s What to Know
Why Are My Feet So Veiny?Why Are My Feet So Veiny?
Will Compression Stockings Help Varicose Veins?Will Compression Stockings Help Varicose Veins?
What to Expect After Varicose Vein SurgeryWhat to Expect After Varicose Vein Surgery
May-Thurner Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and TreatmentMay-Thurner Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Why Do My Veins Look Purple? Here’s What to KnowWhy Do My Veins Look Purple? Here’s What to Know
Everything You Need to Know About Venous UlcersEverything You Need to Know About Venous Ulcers
Beverly Restores Her Life with Dr. Campbell - Part TwoBeverly Restores Her Life with Dr. Campbell - Part Two
Beverly Restores Her Life with Dr. Campbell - Part OneBeverly Restores Her Life with Dr. Campbell - Part One
Muffin Finds Comfort with Dr. CampbellMuffin Finds Comfort with Dr. Campbell
Do I Need Surgery to Remove My Varicose Veins?Do I Need Surgery to Remove My Varicose Veins?
My Venous Ulcer Is Not Healing. What Do I Do?My Venous Ulcer Is Not Healing. What Do I Do?
April 1, 2021

My Venous Ulcer Is Not Healing. What Do I Do?

An ulcer is an open skin sore that can appear anywhere on your body. The red, swollen sores that ooze aren’t exactly pleasant to look at and are even painful. While ulcers can form anywhere on the body, they most often form on the legs. Venous ulcers are often the result of poor blood circulation in the legs and are a condition that shouldn’t be ignored. The open skin sore can develop into a serious problem if left untreated. Unlike a cut or a scrape, which heal naturally via the body’s healing process, an ulcer can not heal without proper treatment and can possibly lead to infection. Thankfully, with the appropriate advice and guidance, it’s possible to manage a venous ulcer.

What Are The Recommendations On Sunscreen?What Are The Recommendations On Sunscreen?
July 23, 2019

What Are The Recommendations On Sunscreen?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came out earlier this year voicing concerns about the safety profile of common ingredients found in sunscreen. A study conducted by the FDA demonstrated that several chemical sunscreen ingredients are actually systemically absorbed by the body, meaning they get into our bloodstream and can be detected in blood work. Safe levels of these ingredients have not been established yet.

Should I Get Sclerotherapy Or Laser Treatment On My Spider Veins?Should I Get Sclerotherapy Or Laser Treatment On My Spider Veins?
January 23, 2019

Should I Get Sclerotherapy Or Laser Treatment On My Spider Veins?

The question whether sclerotherapy or laser works best for spider veins inevitably comes up in consultations frequently. And rightly so. A comprehensive vein treatment center wouldn’t be complete if it only offered a single option to patients. Our patients are unique, and treatment should be to.

What is Microneedling?What is Microneedling?
August 30, 2017

What is Microneedling?

Do you want a way to achieve glowing skin, improve your product penetration, and help fight the signs of aging? Are you afraid of “going under the knife” or having a laser procedure done that leaves you unable to go outside? Then microneedling may just be for you.

Why Did My Varicose Veins Come Back?Why Did My Varicose Veins Come Back?
August 11, 2017

Why Did My Varicose Veins Come Back?

Why Did My Varicose Veins Come Back? "I had my varicose veins treated years ago, and now they are back! I thought they were fixed!” I have heard this statement often enough in clinic. Maybe you are echoing those same thoughts. Wondering why your legs hurt again months, or maybe years after having treatments. Was treatment even beneficial? Why are there bulging veins again?

Why Did My Spider Vein Treatment Not Work?Why Did My Spider Vein Treatment Not Work?
July 28, 2017

Why Did My Spider Vein Treatment Not Work?

Help! My spider veins came back after they were treated! You decided to work up the nerve to do something about the spider veins on your legs. You went to get treatment, and you have a solution injected into your spider veins. In the office you see them seemingly disappear before your eyes. “This is great! Finally, they are going to go away!” you say to yourself. Maybe they asked you to wear compression hose for a couple weeks, maybe not. But one day you find yourself looking at your legs and realize with horror the veins came right back! What happened?

Do I Need To Wear Compression Hose?Do I Need To Wear Compression Hose?
June 21, 2017

Do I Need To Wear Compression Hose?

Compression Hose: Not Your Grandmother’s Stockings Anymore! (And Why You Should Be Wearing Them)‍ Compression hose. Do those words bring to mind those tan, extremely tight stockings that your grandmother wore? If so, fear not! A new age of compression hose has arrived!

Should I Use A Toner?Should I Use A Toner?
April 27, 2017

Should I Use A Toner?

Toners: Why You Should Rethink Abandoning Your Toner? To tone or not to tone, that is the question. Many people have been preached to that they need a toner. Others often avoid them because toners can be astringent and dry skin out. Fortunately, not every toner is made equal, and there is not a one-toner-fits-all product out there. Many people want a straight forward answer to the question “should I use a toner?” The answer, just depends. It depends on what type of ingredients the toner contains, the type of skin you have, and what other products you are using in your daily skin care routine.

What Should I Expect From A Chemical Peel?What Should I Expect From A Chemical Peel?
December 14, 2016

What Should I Expect From A Chemical Peel?

Chemical Peels: What to Expect Before, During, and After, What does acne, aging skin, pigmentation, and enlarged pores all have in common? They can all be treated with chemical peels! So maybe you’ve heard about chemical peels, but are unsure they’re right for you. Or maybe they outright terrify you. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from experiencing the world of chemical peels!