Complexion Problems
Complexion Problems
Complexion problems can be a catchall phrase for many skin concerns. Acne, age spots, and redness are common problems, to name a few. We know that looking your best helps you to feel your best. Whether you know exactly what type of treatment you want, or simply just know you want improvement in your skin our healthcare aesthetic experts are here to help. With so many products, treatments, and “miracle cure” promises out there navigating the skin care and aesthetic world can feel like a full-time job. That’s where we come in. From full facial examinations to product recommendations we are here to help you find a treatment regimen that fits you and your lifestyle. Read below to see some of the common complexion problems we encounter and the treatment options we offer.

Acne/Breakout Prone Skin
Acne is not just a problem for teenagers – it affects people of all ages. Even those blessed to have escaped their pubescent years acne free can still develop it later on in life. The exact cause of acne is not completely understood, but several factors are thought to be involved: bacteria, occlusion of hair follicles, hormones, and inflammatory mediators in the skin. Diet may play a larger role in acne than previously thought. Some research is beginning to show that diets high in sugar and dairy may contribute to acne flare ups. Treatment of acne can feel like a trial and error approach. Many over the counter products can actually worsen the inflammation and dry the skin out unnecessarily. If at home remedies have failed it may be time to see a healthcare professional.
How is Acne treated?
- Chemical Peels – application of different solutions that help rejuvenate the skin, increase cellular turnover, and may even reduce the amount of bacteria present
- Cutera® Excel V™ – an Nd-YAG 1064nm laser treatment that is noninvasive with no downtime
- Cutera® Genesis Laser– an Nd-YAG 1064nm laser treatment that is noninvasive with no downtime
- Fractora™ – a microneedling with radio-frequency procedure that targets and ablates the acne and may even destroy the bacteria causing the acne
Pigmentation: Age Spots and Freckles
Did you know that the sun damage we did in our youth can takes years and even decades to show up on our skin as sun spots? Age spots, also sometimes known as sun or liver spots, are clinically known as solar lentigos. These solar lentigos are harmless patches of flat pigmentation that are typically brown in color. They usually occur on sun-exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, hands, arms, and neck. Solar lentigos are harmless, but spots that change in appearance, color, or size should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Combining different treatment modalities to combat pigmentation often produces better results than a single treatment alone. At the foundation of all treatment for pigmentation is proper sunscreen use. A mineral-based sunscreen – one with zinc or titanium dioxide – will help prevent your skin from producing even more pigmentation in response to the sun.
Aesthetic Treatments can further help in managing and reducing the appearance of these spots. Effective treatments like chemical peels, laser therapy, and intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy can significantly improve the skin’s appearance by targeting and diminishing pigmented areas.
How are Age Spots treated?
- Chemical Peels – application of different solutions that help rejuvenate the skin, increase cellular turnover, and may even reduce the amount of bacteria present
- Cutera® Excel V™ Laser – versatile option to target more discrete solar lentigos
- Lumecca® – this intense pulsed light (IPL) targets the pigmentation specifically to produce brighter and clearer skin
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation looks like red, pink, or brown flat spots that often occur on the skin after acne or trauma. They can appear in individuals of any skin color, but have a higher occurrence in those with darker skin types. This discoloration is a result of inflammation that deposits pigment into the deepest layers of the skin, called the dermis. Certain oral medication can cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation to get darker in color.
How is Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation treated?
Facial Veins
Facial veins – called telangiectasias – are pink, red, or purple in appearance. They commonly occur around the nose, chin, and cheeks. Genetics can play a large role in the development of facial veins. Other things that contribute to facial veins include chronic sun exposure, alcoholic beverages, hot and spicy foods, rosacea, and environmental irritants. Aesthetic vein conditions such as facial veins can be addressed through a combination of lifestyle interventions and targeted treatments.
Lifestyle interventions can help minimize the appearance of facial veins, but will never get rid of them completely. These include staying cool and avoiding heat, avoiding alcohol and spicy foods, and wearing mineral sunscreen every day. These lifestyle changes are often recommended in conjunction with the following treatments below.
How is Facial Veins treated?
Redness and Rosacea
Facial redness, like facial veins, is a common skin condition. It occurs more frequently in fair-skinned individuals, especially those of western European ancestry. Women seem to be more affected than men, for unknown reasons. In addition to genetics, several environmental and lifestyle factors can contribute to redness:
- Hot and spicy foods
- Alcohol
- Extreme temperatures – being in really hot or really cold environments
- Sunlight and chronic sun exposure
- Physical activity
- Emotional swings – anger and stress
- Cigarette smoking
- Harsh skin care products and routines – including excessive exfoliation
Prior to beginning any treatment for redness, it is important to determine any underlying lifestyle and environmental causes and make the necessary changes. This helps ensure a more effective long-term treatment outcome. If left untreated, redness tends to worsen over time.
How is Redness treated?
When chicken pox, acne, or trauma from a wound is healing, normal skin tissue is replaced by fibroblastic tissue. This causes the indentured feature of scarring. The quicker the wound heals typically the less scarring that will occur. The deeper and older the scar, the harder it is to treat. If you're dealing with redness or scarring, the Tennessee Vein Center offers advanced treatments and personalized care to help manage and improve your skin condition effectively.